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The tbl_es class is a subclass of dtplyr::lazy_dt() created in order to store attributes for experience studies. The colloquial term 'expstudy' refers to a lazy_dt() that has the tbl_es subclass.

Properties of tbl_es

  • Attributes that store variable names used for key metric calculations:

    • actuals: the observed variable (or variables) within the experience study (e.g., actual lapse counts for a lapse study).

    • expecteds: the expected variable (or variables) within the experience study (e.g., expected number of deaths for a mortality study).

    • exposures: the exposure variable (or variables) within the experience study. This will be the time the records spans in years (or within (0, 1) for records covering less than a year).

    • variances: optional, the variance variable (or variables) within the experience study. This may not be available for all studies, thus can be omitted. Variance is used for the credibility metric.

  • An additional (optional) keys attribute that can uniquely describe every record within the experience study. This typically is policy number and a measure of time, such as annual or monthly duration. Can be omitted, but providing enables quicker binary searches within the dtplyr::lazy_dt(). For more information, refer to the data.table vignette: vignette('datatable-keys-fast-subset', package = 'data.table').

Behavior of tbl_es

A tbl_es behaves the same as a dtplyr::lazy_dt() only differing by retaining the attributes listed above. This saves time in routine, repetitive coding, leading to increased time for analysis.

See also